Featured News
CFA Breaks Ground in Mount Pleasant, TX & On-Site Interview
Workforce Solutions Northeast Texas Annual Awards
7-ELEVEN Grand Opening
Mount Pleasant officially has Slurpees now! Welcome to MP, 7-ELEVEN!! We hope your opening celebration is fantastic! 1300 S Jefferson Ave, Mt Pleasant TX 75455
Priefert’s 109, 200 sq ft. Powder Coat Facility
No time to waste & the growth continues! Super excited to showcase Priefert’s 2-month construction progress update. This 109, 200 sq ft. Powder Coat facility will be the largest single building built at one time by Priefert to date. Anticipated operation date: Q2 2023 Did you know Priefert currently operates
2022 Summer Construction Update
Knowledge is power, so check out our Summer 2022 Construction Update video! We want to update y’all on some of the exciting growth happening in our community!
Podcast: Rocky Christenberry, Vice President, Priefert
Priefert: This family-owned manufacturer is reinventing itself, investing millions into the local economy, & adding more than 50 jobs in 2022! “What has happened since the beginning of that headgate to where we are today just makes everyone’s head swirl,” stated Rocky Christenberry, Vice President. “Priefert has an incredible story
Podcast: Jeffrey Crabb, CEO Diamond C Trailers
Diamond C Trailers is Mount Pleasant’s fastest-growing manufacturer, growing employees 300% to a current 760 count since 2018 & more than doubling is operational acreage in the same time frame. “Since 1985, Diamond C. Trailers has been a leader in building premium trailers, and they started right here in Mount
MPEDC Sponsors 2022 TEDC Mid-Year Conference
June 2-24, 2022– MPEDC staff attended TEDC’s 2022 Mid-Year Conference in Corpus Christi. This conference includes numerous presentations on important economic development topics and challenges. Topics included: Innovative Workforce Ideas for Retention and Recruitment Efforts Business & Industry Collaboratives in Workforce Development The “Secret Sauce”: Intentionally Bringing Together the Worlds
MPEDC Celebrates National Small Business Week with Revolving Loan Fund Launch
Mount Pleasant, Texas – The first week of May 2022 is National Small Business Week, according to the USA Small Business Administration. To celebrate, Mount Pleasant Economic Development Corporation is pleased to announce the launch of a $234,000 small business revolving loan fund. During Q1 2022, the United States Department