Overview of MPISD High School Campus

MPISD $55 Million Bond for Renovation and Security Updates

Overview of MPISD High School Campus

MPISD Board of Trustees chose to put a $55 million school building bond in front of voters. On Saturday May 4, 2019, those same voters decisively approved the bond by almost 56 percent.


Key Committee Consideration:

  1. Safety & Securtiy at ALL Campuses
  2. Updating Academics Programs & Spaces
  3. Overcrowding at High School & CTE
  4. Visibility, Transparency& Easy Monitoring
  5. Reviving Preforing Arts Center
  6. Transformed Existing Spaces


Why was the Bond Election Called?

On January 23, upon the recommendation of the Facility Advisory Committee, comprised of members of the Mount Pleasant community, the Mount Pleasant ISD Board of Trustees voted to call a $55 million bond election to address: 


  • Renovate and expand CTE.
  • Demolish 500s building.
  • Renovate existing gym.
  • Fine Arts Center-renovate Auditorium, enlarge Band, new Dance Studio, Choir, Black Box, and visual art.
  • New gym entrance.
  • Transform ‘66 building.
  • Renovate academic space.
  • New academic space, administrative space, and secure entrance.
  • Re-purpose ESS.
  • Provide perimeter security for campus.
  • Resurface parking.
  • Addressing traffic flow at High School.