Local Bounti Cuts the Ribbon & Celebrates Grand Opening

On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, Mount Pleasant, TX celebrated the Ribbon Cutting & Grand Opening for Local Bounti. 🤠🥬🥬 Investors, company executives & operational staff, business partners, and community leaders & elected officials all gathered to recognize and celebrate the company’s official kick-off.

Below is language from MPEDC Executive Director, Nathan Tafoya’s speech at the ceremony:

Ladies and Gentlemen, distinguished guests, community members, esteemed colleagues, and economic development partners,

Good afternoon,

It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I stand before you today to celebrate the official grand opening of Local Bounti’s state-of-the-art agricultural facility here in our beautiful City of Mount Pleasant, Texas. This day marks a significant milestone not only for Local Bounti but also for the future of sustainable agriculture and economic vibrancy for this community. Thank you all for being here to celebrate this momentous occasion with us.

Local Bounti is redefining indoor farming with an innovative method – its patented Stack & Flow Technology® – which will allow it to produce fresh, high-quality produce year-round, regardless of weather conditions. By utilizing cutting-edge technology, energy-efficient practices, and sustainable farming methods – this facility uses 90% less land and 90% less water than conventional farming methods – Local Bounti is setting new standards for the industry right here in Mount Pleasant.

Today, we unveil this 6-acre facility and we are taking a giant leap towards achieving a broader vision of a diverse and sustainable local economy. Mount Pleasant, with its rich ag history, water availability, and central location along Interstate 30, was the perfect site option for this venture. This facility’s location here represents a substantial investment from the company – tens of millions of dollars – demonstrating Local Bounti’s commitment to innovation, sustainability, and our community’s future growth.

This facility is not just a building. It will create jobs, foster local talent, and contribute to the economic vitality of the region, including fostering new partnerships with Northeast Texas Community College. So, as we cut the ribbon today, we are not just opening a facility; we are opening doors to new possibilities.

Mount Pleasant believes in the success of this company and is excited to be a part of its future. I believe that the community’s ongoing partnership with Local Bounti will create a thriving ecosystem that will support education, innovation, and a sustainable outlook for everyone.

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the local officials, community leaders, and residents of Mount Pleasant who have welcomed Local Bounti with open arms and supported this endeavor from the very beginning. We invite our economic development partners to continue on this exciting journey as we cultivate fresh produce and fresh opportunities right here in northeast Texas.

To Local Bounti’s executive and operational team members here today – on the behalf of the City of Mount Pleasant and Mount Pleasant Economic Development Corp. – WELCOME to Mount Pleasant, TX, thank you for investing in our community, and we look forward to a collaborative and prosperous relationship.
