Here is what it means to YOU:
Travel – all travel in Titus County is prohibited except for:
- To and from work
- Work-related
- Health and Safety related for self, or other family member
- For essential services
Social Distancing
- No gatherings of more than 10 people
- Maintain 6 feet of distance at all times
- Wash hands for 20 seconds frequently
- Cover coughs and/or sneezes in sleeve, elbow or disposable tissue
- Regular cleaning/sanitizing of high-touch surfaces
- Refrain from shaking hands
Business Open to the Public Must Immediately Develop a Written Plan
- Maintain 6 feet distance between customers, employees – inside and outside
- Have procedures for regular cleaning of high-touch surfaces
- Show how they will enforce the plan
- Have a copy of the plan, one page, posted on front door or window
- If no physical location, copy of plan must be given to all employees
- Available for immediate inspection by authorities
Grocery Stores, Warehouse, Big-Box, Convenience Stores
- Must include in plan how they will limit the number of customers, so as to meet distancing requirements
Religious Services
- Allowed and encouraged
- Must meet social distancing requirements
- Does not prohibit “drive-in” service; church lot, everyone in the car
- Must also develop a written plan just like a business
Employers shall only allow employees with no symptoms to work (dry cough, shortness of breath, fever, etc). If symptoms are present the employee must stay home until symptom free
Order & Penalties
- Anyone who knowingly violates is subject to $1,000 or up to 180 day jail
- Authorizes use of all lawfully available enforcement tools
Takes Effect at 12:01 A.M. Thursday morning April 2, 2020
Source: City of Mount Pleasant-